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After provisioning and the first installation:

  1. Set to false this variable in the ansible environment file (env/{ instance_hash }.yml), the quote are important:
pgsql_first_install: "false"
  1. In the same file, it's highly recommand to allow connection to the port 5432 only from the hosts or networks which need to connect to the db:
- port: 22
- port: 80
- port: 443
- port: 5432
ip: {put your ip or range here}
  1. Connect with ssh, then initialize your database and user:
sudo su -
su - postgres
postgres=> CREATE ROLE your_username LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_password' SUPERUSER; # if you want to be a superuser
postgres=> CREATE ROLE your_username LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_password' NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION; # if you want to only be granted on one db
postgres=> CREATE DATABASE "your_db" WITH OWNER = your_username ENCODING = 'UTF8';
  1. Then you'll be able to connect with this user like that:
psql -U your_username -W your_db
your_db=> CREATE TABLE my_table(my_id INT);
your_db=> INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (1);

If you need to connect from the outside:

psql -h {your_instance_hash}.pgsql.comwork.(cloud|dev|info) -U your_username -W your_db

And here's a JDBC url you can use for your java applications:
