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Localtunnel server


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Use the CLI

Allow your private network to the tunnelserver's firewall

First you have to allow your network public's ip where you need to expose port via tunnel.

Get your public ip first:

curl -L

Then, add the value in the firewall section in the ansible environment file (env/{ instance_hash }.yml):

# ...
- ip: YOUR_PUBLIC_IP # to replace by the value returned by the previous curl
cidr: 24

Expose your service with the lt CLI

You can install the cli this way:

npm install -g localtunnel

Then, use it this way:

lt --host https://{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info) --port {the port you want to expose} --subdomain localtunnel-1

Work with multiple tunnels

You can use multiple tunnels, you just have to add your tunnels subdomains in the ansible environment file (env/{ instance_hash }.yml):

# ...
- domain: localtunnel-1.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info)
target: localtunnel-1.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info):3200
- domain: localtunnel-2.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info)
target: localtunnel-2.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info):3200
- domain: localtunnel-3.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info)
target: localtunnel-3.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info):3200

Then you'll be able to open new tunnels with your client:

lt --host https://localtunnel-1.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info) --port 8080 --subdomain localtunnel-1
lt --host https://localtunnel-2.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info) --port 8081 --subdomain localtunnel-2
lt --host https://localtunnel-3.{your_instance_hash}.lt.comwork.(cloud|dev|info) --port 8082 --subdomain localtunnel-3

And share those urls:
